quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2015

TOP 10 Dachshund Puppies Videos

You'll LOVE this video...
A few puppies doing what they do best... playing, sleeping and making us smile!

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

The Simple Steps to Get Your Ex Back

Ready to learn how to get your ex back after a painful breakup? If you're going through a bad breakup, you can take consolation in this simple fact -- you are not alone.

Although your breakup is undoubtedly unique, every day thousands of couples all over the world break up and get back together. The simple truth is, most breakups are reversible. In fact, speaking from experience I would go so far as to say that 90% of all relationships can be put back together. The difference between the couples who get together and those who don't is the system that they follow to make it happen.

Having read this, you're probably asking yourself -- how come you see so many single and separated people out there? If the majority of breakups are reversible, why do people go on with their lives and never succeed in winning their ex back?

The answer lies in the fact that, while most breakups are indeed reversible, most people go about it in exactly the wrong way. Instead of using proven methods that have been tested over and over again, they stick with extremely popular -- and usually devastating -- misconceptions.

For example, they continue to run after and harass their ex, bombard them with letters and text messages and all but drop on their knees begging to be taken back. Contrary to what you may have heard or seen in Hollywood movies, these methods never work. Sure, you may have seen that episode of your favorite soap opera where the guy shows up at his ex-girlfriend's place with a bouquet of roses, said the right words and within moments everything was forgotten and forgiven.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this kind of thing just doesn't work in real life. In fact, most conventional techniques for attracting the attention of your ex and getting them to change their mind are completely and utterly wrong. The main reason why they are so ineffective is that they are often based on conventional dating wisdom. In other words, at their heart, they are little more than methods aimed at seducing someone of the opposite sex -- as opposed to winning your ex back.

Believe it or not, but the road to winning your ex back actually starts the moment you break-up. Of course, they're not going to fall into your arms just yet - in fact, as you will discover, get ur ex back can be a pretty lengthy process. But depending on how you handle the break-up itself, your road to reconciliation will be made easier or harder.

After extensive research, personal experience and interviewing people who have broken up and gone back together it's become apparent to me that those who have reconciled have followed a system to make it happen.

segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

The Top Method to Get Your Ex Back

If you and your significant other have a huge fight and you decide to end your relationship without really thinking it through chances are good that you will want to consider or pursue the possibility of getting back with your ex. There are many ways to get back with your lover but the top method to get back with your ex revolves around five simple steps you can start to implement immediately.

How To Get Your Ex Back Step #1 - Remain In Control
The real truth behind getting your ex back is to move forward with your life. Yes, I know this sounds a bit crazy but by getting over the pain of your break up with your ex you will actually be one step closer to getting them back together.

How To Get Your Ex Back Step #2 - Have A Support System
You're going through a difficult time in your life right now and if you want to remain in control (discussed above) then you need to surround yourself with a good strong support system which should consists of your family and friends. These people will be there when you need them but make sure you don't over do it by constantly telling them about your problem as it could cause them to not be as supportive.

How To Get Your Ex Back Step #3 - Break Off Contact
Cutting off communication with your ex may be the last thing you want to do but by not talking with them you allow them the opportunity to start to miss you. This down time also allows them the opportunity to examine the time you spent together during your relationship. Do everything you can to keep your self-restraint and not call or contact your ex during this reflection period.

How To Win Your Ex Back Step #4 - Get Your Life Back
During the break up period make sure you take the opportunity to live your life so that you can rebuild your confidence and inner strength. Your ex will notice your high self-esteem and it will make you more attractive and desirable to them.

How To Get Your Ex Back Step #5 - Fix What Caused The Break Up
This tip is probably the most important thing you can do to help with the process of getting back with your ex. Make sure you are able to identify what initially drove you apart and fix it. No matter how much you and your ex want to get back if problems still exist you'll be back where you started prior to your break up. So, if you really want your lover back make sure you fix your problems.